Phonics starts in Reception and we use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds systematic programme. Every year-group in the Explorers class will have a daily phonics session, with guided reading sessions 3 times per week linked to the materials learnt in phonics. Additional catch-up sessions are always offered to support children who need a little more time to master the content.
Our missions is to ensure that every child learns to read, and loves to read. A Little Wandle phonics session is built around 4 Pillars of effective learning: Focused attention, Active engagement, Error correction, Practice and consolidation. These elements allow children to build the skills they need to decode text and the progression of reading texts, which are sent home each week for extra practice, alongside the lessons support our pupils to read fluently and with understanding.
From Year 2, a spelling programme begins, which supports the children as they move through the school.
Resources for parents, to support alongside in-class learning, can be accessed through the Little Wandle website: https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/