School Uniform

Smart appearance leads to smart learning. 

Our Uniform is:-

  • Gillamoor School sweatshirt or cardigan or navy blue equivalent.
  • Grey or black long school design trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses (not leggings, jeans or cargo trousers).
  • Yellow polo shirt, plain or with the school logo.
  • Blue summer dress (can be worn in summer and first half of autumn terms)
  • Black sensible school shoes.
  • PE: Plain red polo shirt or t shirt with or without school logo
  • Plain black shorts.
  • Plain black/navy blue-jogging bottoms.
  • Footwear: Black plimsols for indoors and trainers for outdoors.

(All of these are available from large supermarkets or, for items with logos our school shop).

A School PE bag is given to children when they first start at the school. If a new one is required these can be purchased from the Schoolshop website.

Swimming: Girls – a one piece costume, Boys – swimming trunks/swimming shorts. Bermuda shorts and bikinis are not suitable for school swimming lessons. Swimming caps are advisable. Long hair must be tied back off the face for swimming. Goggles are optional but if required must be provided from home. Swimming kit, including a towel, should be in a suitable named bag.