Year A 2022 – 2023

Askham Bryan Wildlife Park

We had a fantastic visit to Askham Bryan Wildlife Park to explore our topics of, animals including humans and, evolution and inheritance. First, Robert talked to the children about different types of teeth and they explored skulls of different – vores to identify the animal and what they eat. We then explored the wildlife park, which we had almost to ourselves! We spoke to the otters, were wowed by the meerkats, spent a lot of time with the monkeys and watched the wallabies. Did you know a wallaby can pause their gestation period? Later on, we sketched some of the animals that we could see. 
Back at school we created persuasive leaflets about Askham Bryan Wildlife Park and all the amazing things you can do there. Thank you to Robert and the team!

Askham Bryan Wildlife Park

We had a fantastic visit to Askham Bryan Wildlife Park to explore our topics of, animals including humans and, evolution and inheritance. First, Robert talked to the children about different types of teeth and they explored skulls of different – vores to identify the animal and what they eat. We then explored the wildlife park, which we had almost to ourselves! We spoke to the otters, were wowed by the meerkats, spent a lot of time with the monkeys and watched the wallabies. Did you know a wallaby can pause their gestation period? Later on, we sketched some of the animals that we could see. 
Back at school we created persuasive leaflets about Askham Bryan Wildlife Park and all the amazing things you can do there. Thank you to Robert and the team!

Science – Animals including humans

In science this half term we are looking at animals including humans. We had a fascinating lesson looking at the human heart. We explored the heart and the circulatory system using augmented reality and we discussed the likeness of a human heart and a pigs heart. In order to fully understand the parts of a heart and how it works, we looked at a pigs heart and investigated what part was where. We also challenged ourselves by putting a human’s organs back together in the correct place. This was tricky! “This is awesome – I really want to be a surgeon.” Next, we will explore different animal hearts.

Spring Term Activites

This term our topics were The Ancient Greeks and electricity. We have had an amazing term exploring both of these areas. We have created a play in a day, Greece is the word, and an Ancient Greek party!

In art, we have been looking at installations. We have looked at modern installations and have then linked it to Ancient Greek art and architecture to discuss the influences it has had on modern day art. We made our own installations by, “making something out of something else.” Can you guess what they are?

When exploring electricity, we have created doodle bugs by building circuits with motors and fans and attaching them to our little colouring creations!

Ancient Greek Party

Aspirations for 2023 Watercolour Calendars

Bewerly Park

Art Day at Ampleforth College

Autumn Term 1 Activities

This term our topic was, Race Around the World. We have looked at all the continents and picked countries, cities and famous landmarks to look at in depth. We have also had a talk from a travel agent and planned trips that we would like to go on in the future! One of our favourite activities was making Sushi!