
Board of Governors

The Governors at Gillamoor play an important role and have considerable responsibility in setting the strategic direction of the school along with the Head Teacher and senior leadership team.  Governors do not manage schools, this is the role of the head teacher and senior leadership team, but we do oversee the development of the school, the main aim of which is always to provide a high standard of education for all pupils of all abilities.  In essence as the accountable body for the school, the governing body has three main roles:

  • provide a strategic view of where the school is heading. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.
  • act as a critical friend to the school.The governing body works with the head teacher to create a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing the school.The governing body should feel able to question and challenge and this is achieved through trust and mutual respect.
  • hold the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides. The governing body uses its collective skills to benefit the children, by gathering views and asking questions to determine what is best for the school.

The Governors have a variety of skills and backgrounds that provide the school with a wide range of expertise and support. What unifies us is our strong commitment to the schools vision and ethos of “‘First the blade, then the ear, then the full grain’ Mark 4:28”.   The governors are a mixture of parent governors, school staff, co-opted governors and local council representatives.  Parent Governors have a child in school, are elected by parents of the school and serve, as do other Governors, for four years.  We meet every half-term to discuss the work of the school and look at where we are going and how we can make improvements.

The governors visit the school throughout the year and most have a link to specific subjects and their teachers or areas of the school such as Special Educational Needs, Finance, curriculum and Safeguarding.  This is an important opportunity to see the school in action and governors enjoy the chance to meet staff and children and learn about what makes our school special.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, the Head teacher will be pleased to provide further details.



Parent Governors

Dr Christopher Vowles (Chairperson)

Mrs Lindsay Roberts


Local Authority Governor



Co-opted Governors

Mr Stuart Patterson

Mr Paul Normandale


Foundation Governors

Ms Aniko Sheppard

Mrs Clare Haynes


Staff Governor

Mrs Lorraine Hugill



Mrs Tamsin Elsey


Clerk to the Governors

Mrs Lydia Waites


If you wish to contact any of the Governors, please send an email to school:


Statutory Governor Information 2023/2024

Name Appointed Term of Office Appointing Body Category of Governor Committees/Groups Special Responsibilities Business/Pecuniary Interest/ Relationships
Christopher Vowles 04.05.21 27.09.24 Parents Parent Communications & External Links, Wider Curriculum, SEND & Transition, Staff Wellbeing STAFF D APPEALS, COMPLAINTS, HT PERFORMANCE MGT (PAY REVIEW) None
Lindsay Roberts 01.09.21 01.09.25 Parents Parent English, Wider curriculum STAFF DISMISSAL, PUPIL DISCIPLINE None
Clare Hayes 01.05.23 York Diocese Foundation RE & Worship; Pupil Behaviour & Attendance, Ethos Working Group STAFF D APPEALS, COMPLAINTS None
Paul Normandale 10.05.22 09.05.26 Governors Co-opted Child Protection & Safeguarding. STAFF DISMISSAL, PUPIL DISCIPLINE None
Stuart Patterson 03.10.23 02.10.27 Governors Co-opted Finance, Capital Projects & Premises, Health and Safety  
Aniko Sheppard 27.09.22 27.09.26 York Diocese Foundation RE & Worship; Pupil Behaviour & Attendance, Ethos Working Group COMPLAINTS, STAFF D APPEALS, HT PERFORMANCE MGT (PAY REVIEW None
Lorraine Hugill 01.09.21 31.08.24 Staff Staff STAFF GOVERNOR None
Tamsin Elsey 01.09.23 Governors Headteacher HEADTEACHER None


FGB Meeting Minutes 2022/2023

FGB Meeting Minutes 2021/2022

Any minutes prior to these are available to view in the School Office.